St Clare Cross by McKeown 122797

Deanne McKeown
Deanne McKeown
"None of us perceive the world in exactly the same way. Our oneness lies in a yearning to touch and to understand. My work is an endeavor to share my thoughts and vision through form and color and relationships, hoping to charge my images with meaning which will reach across the spaces between us."
Private: Byron McKeown
Private: Byron McKeown
Over the years I’ve learned to appreciate excellence although I rarely achieve it. The closest I come is in the ephemeral areas of concept and integrity. But, since I believe that my next effort will be my best, I will continue to pursue excellence.
Silver Jewelry
1" x 1.75"




There are patron saints for almost anything one can think of. Thus, there is a patron saint of television! On February 17, 1958 Pope Pius XII designated St. Clare as the patron of television, on the basis that, when she was too ill to attend a Mass, she had been miraculously able to see and hear it on the wall of her other room.

Clare was born in 1194 at Assissi, into a wealthy family, the eldest daughter of Favorino Scifi, Count of Sasso-Rosso. She heard St. Francis speak and was inspired to leave her rich home and establish an order of nuns called the Order of Poor Ladies (Poor Clares) at San Damiano. She led this order for 40 years until her death.