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Michelle Sales was born in Chicago, Illinois where she lived much of her life. She recently moved full time to Sedona finding it immensely inspirational in the creation of her work. Michelle has been expressing herself forcefully with pigment and mixed media since childhood. Her early work was as a painter, but sculpture soon became her focus. Currently, Ms. Sales works in two and three dimensional media, as well as mixed media jewelry design.

In 1998, Michelle Sales received a Recognition Scholarship from The School of the Art Institute in Chicago. She received Her BFA in 2001. Her area of interest was mixed media and material studies.

Nature and its myriad shapes textures and colors inform her work today. Ms. Sales enjoys hiking and creates photo journals taken from these hikes. These photos serve as inspiration and are often incorporated into her work.

Ms. Sales maintains a working studio in Sedona Arizona. She teaches workshops and classes in mixed media and jewelry design.

Michelle Sales’ work has won awards and recognition in both national and international exhibitions. Her pieces have been shown for many years at SOFA Chicago, Navy Pier (Sculptural Object Functional Art) and can be found in private and museum collections. Ms. Sales is represented by Vale Craft Gallery, Chicago IL

 For more info please visit my website:  www.michellesales.com