Private Lessons, Mentoring and Creating your own Workshop
Private Lessons
Private instruction can be arranged on YOUR schedule! Explore the artists available at the bottom of this page offering possibilities in various mediums. Contact artists directly to make an arrangement that suits your needs. Or call the Arts Center to assist you in making arrangements 928.282.3809. Some projects or experiences can be completed in as little as a couple hours and usually the artist can supply the needed materials and tools.
Team Building Experiences
Whether it is a company outing, a field trip for your class or a family vacation experience the Arts Center can put together the right teacher and studio with the right group for a creative learning opportunity. Use the arts as a tool to build your team spirit!
Creating Your Own Workshop
Would you like to bring a particular artist or workshop to the Sedona Arts Center? Gather 5 friends and lets make it happen! If you get the ball rolling we will then be able to offer and market the workshop to the general public both nationally and locally. Contact JD Jensen, School Operations Manager to find out more 928.282.3809, ext. 1.
Private Instructors
Painting, Pastel, or Oils
Abstract Acrylic Painting
Ceramics, Team Building, Private Lessons
Precious Metal Clay Jewelry
Water Media Painting