Kathryn has developed a keen eye for the landscape and nature and is known as an artist that excels at brushwork, composition and color. Her intimacy with nature began in the Utah countryside on her horse where she spent a lot of time into her early twenties. She studied with artists in the Salt Lake City area on a continuous basis for approximately 20 years and continues to study books on color and landscape painting including Plein Air California Painters, Taos painters, Carlson’s Guide to Landscape painting and the Russian masters, favoring Vasily Polenov. Kathryn also continues to be influenced by other gifted artists including Edgar Payne, Clyde Aspevig, Scott Christensen, Hanson Puthuff, James Reynolds, Matt Smith and Ray Roberts.
Kathryn started out by painting familiar rural landscapes of her childhood, but curious about new subject matter, she began to make road trips to Southern Utah, becoming more and more enthralled with the powerful red rock formations. Her work is very much her own not really echoing the styles of any of the painters with whom she has studied. Although her red rock paintings remain among her most coveted compositions, collectors seem to respond positively to any subject she paints. She has traveled to and painted the coastal areas of California and Oregon as well as locations in Alaska, Russia, Spain, Italy, France and Portugal. She states “I try not to get too comfortable working in a particular size or subject matter because I feel that comfort leads to staleness. For this reason, I’m always looking for fresh territory.”
The Arizona Republic writes, “Kathryn Stats is a Utah artist whose best landscapes are a complete pleasure. The paint in them is given over to the subject and you know that Stats doesn’t feel the need for any gimmicks to get her point across. Direct, honest, and sensuous, these are the work of a genuine painter.”