Strong women raised me. Not just strong, but Cajun strong. Cajun women are resilient. We have big hearts and deep faith. We hug tight. We look you in the eye and ask you how you are and want a real answer. We smile big. We apologetically ‘overshare.’ We want to know you. I was taught this straight-forward, loving way of life from my great grandmother. She lived to be 102 but she was watching wrestling well into her 90’s while talking smack back to the T.V. Then she would go to church or can some figs. That’s what I call ‘balance.’
What does this have to do with my art?
My great grandmother also taught me to listen to my gut, or what I call The Spirit. She also taught me not to take myself too stinkin’ seriously.
As an artist, I paint primarily in abstract expressionism which simply means I use paint and other tools to express externally what’s bubbling up in my mind, body and spirit. My process begins by meditating and journaling, then I go directly to the canvas and begin painting without having any expectation or idea what the final product will be. I build layer after layer…letting go & covering some things…keeping others. Always, there comes a point in the painting process where I’m so frustrated I want to poke myself in the eye with a paintbrush. Thankfully, I work through this and, in the end, I’m always a little bit surprised, yet delighted, by what is expressed on the canvas.
I love being an artist. I mean, c’mon…how lucky am I? I get to bring joy and energy into people’s lives and homes. That’s an honor! Yes, sometimes what I create is deep and thoughtful; but, other times it’s just straight up fun and maybe a cuss word or two sneaks in. That’s what happens when you give a Cajun girl a paintbrush. It’s a lot like watching wrestling then going to church, and I’m so down with that.