Charles C Spence PhD.
I moved to Sedona, Az in 2018, lived in Lake Arrowhead Ca from 2011 to 2018, and previously lived in Palm Springs, Ca, Benicia, Ca, Jacksonville, Fl, and Clinton Ia.
Recent employment history:
Current and founding Board Chair of Higher Digital, an emerging high technology company in Tysons, Va. We are currently in our third year of operation and are focused on strategic planning and effective technology utilization.
Ellucian (formerly Datatel) board member and partner from 2004 – 2016. This is the largest software provider in higher education, located in Reston and Fairfax , Va. The company was valued at 250 million when I joined the board and was acquired for 3.4 billion in 2016. I led the effort to create corporate social responsibility for Ellucian, consulting with Harvard Business School leaders to create an in depth commitment to assist low income students gain access to college. When Ellucian was acquired, the new owners created a new Board of Directors and I retired.
Chancellor of Contra Costa Community College District: 1995-2004
This is one of the largest college systems in California with 5 separate colleges reporting to the Chancellor who reported to the elected Board of Trustees.
District President of Florida Community College of Jacksonville , Florida from 1984 to 1995. The college was renamed Florida State College at Jacksonville and now offers 4 year degrees. The student population grew from 66000 to over 100000 during my tenure. Reported to a governor appointed Board of Trustees.
President of Clinton Community College 1978 to 1984. Also served as president of the chamber of commerce.
Prior to 1978, I was employed at Pennsylvania State University, Butler County Community College, Michigan State University and Wayne State University.
Leadership History:
Chairman of the Board of UUSC, an international human rights organization, sponsored by the Unitarian Church, in Boston Ma where we focused on eradicating suffering and discrimination.
Board Chair of 3 Unitarian churches: Clinton, Jacksonville, and Palm Springs.
President and vice president of Chambers of Commerce: Clinton and Jacksonville.
Founding member of an organization, CQIN, which focused on improving quality and transforming higher education. Elected Chair three times. Focused heavily on quality enhancement strategies. Active on boards focused on assisting victims of domestic violence .and child sexual abuse.
Hospital Board member in Lake Arrowhead, Ca. Accreditation chair of over 10 Colleges and Universities.
Examples of Honors during employment and leadership activities:
National Literacy Leader given by the White House
Most effective College Marketing CEO.
Hesberg Award for Higher Education
Civil Rights leadership for minority students and handicapped students,
Fund raising success,
Small business development leadership,
Board effectiveness consultant.
Educational History:
PHD at Michigan State University, 1970 (psych and organization development)
Post Doctoral Work at Claremont Graduate School with Peter Drucker on organizational development.
Post Doctoral study at Harvard on Adult Development (3x).
MA at Wayne State University in counseling (1967).
BS at Ohio State University. 1965.
Henry Ford Community College, 1963
My passions:
Travel (4 continents in past 4 years), Supporting the arts, Horticulture, Architectural design, Lifting up the underprivileged , Art collecting, Supporting my husband in his passions (ceramics, athletics) and staying optimistic .