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I grew up on the East Coast and was fortunate enough to land a position as a Portrait and Caricature Artist at Walt Disney World after graduating from High School in 1998. I continued there for the next 12 years, drawing Portraits and Caricatures of people of all ages from all over the world. In 2010, I decided to pack up and head west to Los Angeles, where I continued to draw Portraits and Caricatures professionally on my own. I have also had a lifelong passion for oil painting, and I focus primarily on landscape, still life, and portraiture. My artwork reflects both an Impressionistic and a Realistic style. I place a very strong emphasis on the nuances of color, and my main goal is to capture the effects of light and shadow. When capturing my subject matter, I aim to “find the glow” which seems to radiate from within. The entire artistic process creates a Zen like bliss for me, and I achieve an insurmountable joy when painting, which I hope to share with you, the viewer.