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As a child, Alison always loved spending time outdoors or doing any kind of art. As an adult, her interests remain the same but for many years pursuing education and a career limited time for art. After over a decade of working as an Occupational Therapist, Alison recently decided to risk a change- and pursue art seriously.

Motivated to continually learn and grow, Alison is in the process of rediscovering art and falling for it all over again. Inspired by light, color, and the moods found in natural landscapes- her goal is not realism but rather to convey the ‘feel’ of a place. Alison’s recent works use soft pastels to capture that with a colorful and loose mark making style meant to invite the viewer into her art.

While there are a few works included based on other’s photos (credit given in title), most reference photos were taken on adventures Alison has shared with her husband Allan and their friends and family. Often this involves backpacking, climbing, paddling, riding their two young mustangs and hiking with their puppy. Alison feels blessed to be able to get out and experience the sense of wonder found in these wild places, and hopes to share that with others through her art.

After the expense of grad school, Alison was often discouraged to not be able to find prints of art she loved for her own walls since originals were not in her budget. It is therefore important to her to be able to offer affordable and functional art that everyone can enjoy in a way that suits their lifestyle. In collaboration with a local team, functional art products will be offered soon as well as prints. It is her hope to create art that everyone can enjoy, that inspires viewers to get outside and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds us.

Life can get crazy, and it’s not always easy to make the time that many of us need to get out in nature and refresh our souls. A beautiful painting can provide a similar brief moment of peace or inspiration, and that’s what I hope to do with my art. Through colorful and bold pastel marks, I hope to be able to share the feel of these natural landscapes, to hopefully brighten the day of the viewer and inspire them to make time to seek out peaceful outdoor places themselves.

Fine Art Gallery