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My identity and creative motivation has been since childhood to discover and be guided by the spirit of life that exists beneath the surface of physical reality. For me, that is where truth finds its roots. My paintings are a reflection of these discoveries.

Trea Christopher Grey has lived in Sedona, Arizona over 25 years. He is drawn to the majesty of the land and the vibrant community that resides there. A self taught, color blind artist, Trea’s inspiration comes from a surprising and passionate relationship with color. His process begins, setting aside linear thought as he lays down several pours of color. Trea builds upon this blending of color, revealing a story that rings with spontaneity and dances with rhythm, clarity and dimension. His process necessitates the critical part of the mind to soften as imagined worlds are formed in the heart, as much as with the eye.

Expressed throughout Trea Christopher Grey’s work is joyous spontaneity. Organic in form, the paintings suggest worlds upon worlds. Utilizing fully the spirit of color, Trea’s “lyrical abstract” art goes beyond the conventional. His work ignites the imagination
and invites a deeper look.

Often the abstract nature of his work can be viewed from multiple orientations. Each direction can present a new exciting world. To take advantage of this quality he traditionally signs the back rather than the front of his work.

Trea Christopher Grey’s paintings are enjoyed in collections around the world, including New York City, Miami, Dubai and Sedona, AZ.