Smokin’ Joe by Melanie Chambers Hartman

Melanie Chambers Hartman
Melanie Chambers Hartman
Hartman recently moved from Virginia, her home for many years, back to Arizona where her roots grow deep. Her grandparents on both sides were brave and hearty ranchers and settlers at about the time that Arizona became a state. Her parents were born and raised in Arizona and taught her to love and respect this rugged and diverse environment with an abundance of natural resources and incredible beauty. Capturing this brilliant landscape with its great contrasts and powerfully evocative scenery is her current challenge and muse. Studying nature and art are lifelong passions and provide the inspiration for paintings.
Oil on Linen Panel
16" x 20"




“Smokin’ Joe” by Melanie Chambers Hartman

He was ready and waiting… next up, Smokin’ Joe!  One of the bulls at the Sonoita Arizona Junior Rodeo, he put on quite a show. The cowboy had some trouble and didn’t stay on long but he got up, knocked the dust off and hopes to draw a different bull next time.