March 6 – 29, 2020; 10am-5pm, daily
Congratulations to the award winners of the 40th Annual Members’ Juried Exhibition & Sale! Check out our Facebook page to see their works!
Three Juror’s Choice Awards ($100) went to:
Marti McNamee – watercolor, Going of Age
Deanne McKeown – assemblage & bronze, Birds of a Feather
Janet Weaver – oil, Feathers & Pears
Six Merit Awards ($50 SAC Gift Cert) to:
Cynthia Carillo – mixed media, Passages
Sheron Foster – mixed media, Lambykins
Christie Palmer – acrylic, Serenity
Lisa Pracchia – mixed media, The Verde’s Endangered Southwest Willow Flycatcher
Susan Moody – art glass, Petrified Wood
Sarah Watts – pastel, Dignity
See all the Sedona Arts Center member artists whose pieces were juried into the 40th Annual Juried Members’ Exhibition & Sale:
Suzy Allan
Sandra Beck Albert P Brown Mary Lois Brown Nancy Bush Bill Caldwell Cynthia Carrillo Casey Cheuvront Janice Davis Rhonda Davis Pat Doughty Rae Ebeling Anita Elias Julie Bernstein Engelmann Debbie Ericksen Cliff Finity John Foster Sheron Foster Camille Gearhart Rayna Griffin Robin Hardy Lynn Haygood Lee Sue Horine Bruce Horn |
Becky Imler
Joyce Killebrew Barnett Monique Kristofors Sonja LaPointe Paul LaVigne Mariann Leahy Leanne Lee Karen Lievense Amy Light Linda Lindus Deanne McKeown Marti McNamee Margo Mitchell Cindy Montgomery Susan Moody Catherine Moore Lorraine Neuland Christie Palmer Laura Pokorny Jerry Pond Lisa Pracchia Linda Pullinsi Barbara Ragalyi Beth Ray |
Hope Ricciardi
Joan Roberts Lori Roll William Root Ken Rowe Ron Rummell Philip Schneider Charlotte Selenski Deborah Splain Pegie Stark Kathryn Stedham Cathryn Stedman Karen Taylor Stewart Thomson Nori Thorne Fred Tomlin Mark Troksa Michael Trulson Sarah Watts Janet Weaver Lorena Willmon Barbara Zahno Nicole Zenhausern |