Benjamin Deutsch is a Post-baccalaureate student in ceramics at the New York State College of Ceramics. He has a BFA focused in ceramics from the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. He studies with Professor Linda Sikora. He is a studio assistant to ceramic artists John and Andrea Gill. He also works as a studio assistant to ceramic artist Wayne Higby. He has worked as a studio assistant to Associate Professor Matt Kelleher. He worked as a summer ceramic intern in the summer of 2022, 2023, and 2024 helping maintain the ceramic facilities at the New York State College of Ceramics while working in the studio to create a body of work for the student exhibitions Groundplay, BACK-BURN, and Dog Days. He is a recipient of the Anderson Ranch Arts Center Partnership Program scholarship, attending Gwendolyn Yoppolo’s workshop Form and Metaphor in Pots of Purpose. As a high school student, his work was accepted into the 2020 NCECA K-12 exhibition.
Red stoneware, cone 10 woodfired, core samples 13.25x6x6