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Support Sedona Arts Center & Donate Today!

To make a generous contribution in support of the arts, just click a Donate button down below. Your tax-deductible contribution will sustain free exhibitions and gallery demonstrations, plein air paint outs around the community, one of Northern Arizona’s best ceramics studios, summer art camps for children, and so much more!

Want to mail in your donation? Please send your check or money order to:

Sedona Arts Center
PO Box 569
Sedona, Arizona 86339

You can also Donate by phone at (928) 282-3809 / (866) 282-3809

Become a Donor

Patron Circle

Make a General Donation






Annual Donor Levels:

  • Friend $60
  • Supporting $100
  • Enthusiast $250
  • Champion $500

Annual Donors Receive:

  • 10% discount on purchases in our Uptown Gallery Shop and 10% off Ongoing Classes at Sedona Arts Center
  • Free Admission to Select Lectures and Presentations
  • Enews updates on everything Sedona Arts Center
  • Listing in our Bi-Yearly Catalog ($250 and above)
  • Donors over $100 receive a yearly membership in the North American Reciprocal Museum Association (NARM)

Patron’s Circle Levels:

  • Leader $1,000+

Donors at the Leader Level recieve special VIP parking for select events, special invitations to exclusive events including home tours and receptions, early access to purchase tickets for VIP events, and other opportunities as they arise.

  • Benefactor $5,000+

Donors at the Benefactor level recieve a one-time 25% discount on an art purchase in the Gallery Shop, special event or exhibit.

  • Philanthropist $10,000+

Donors at the Philanthropist level receive an opportunity for a special meeting with the CEO and Board Chair of Sedona ARts Center as well as exclusive access and opportunities with the featured artists and special invitations to private lunches or dinners.

  • Visionary $25,000+

Donors at Visionary level demonstrate a significant commitment to Sedona Arts Center’s success and sustainability. Visionary level donors receive personalized service and a curated experience at Sedona Arts Center as agreed upon by both parties.

Future Planning

For a longer-lasting gift, designate Sedona Arts Center in your will, trust, life insurance policy, or make a contribution to our Endowment Fund. We’ll ensure that your generosity supports the creative community forever.

For more information contact our Administrative Offices at 928-282-3809.


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