Watercolor Crash Course: Capturing Luminous Light



Watercolor Crash Course: Capturing Luminous Light – All Materials Included!
with Betty Carr

May 8, 2025 | Thursday | 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

  • Experience: Beginning to Intermediate. Some prior drawing experience is recommended.
  • Medium: Watercolor
  • Registration: Each student needs to enroll individually.
  • Location: Sedona Arts Center, Theatre Studio.
  • Materials: Materials are included for use during the class.

This class welcomes beginners who have some drawing experience and want to learn how to paint with watercolor, as well as the more experienced painters who want to learn more watercolor techniques.

Our class will focus on the “how to’s” of brushes, mediums, paper, seeing and painting light on form, understanding temperatures of light and shadow, and working with edges in painting a variety of subjects. I’ll be demonstrating exciting ways to create effects in watercolor using impressionistic, painterly brushwork. How to paint in watercolor using glazing and textural techniques, incorporating frisket (don’t worry if you don’t know what that is – you will find out and it’s fun), and applying a value sketch will be covered. When completed, we will all have painted some exciting and beautiful watercolors.

Be sure to bring a lunch or snack with you – we’ll take a quick break during the day.

Materials/supplies will be available for your use during the class and are included in the tuition. You can also bring any materials/supplies that you already have on hand.

With materials included, all barriers have been removed so that you can explore the fun of painting! All you bring is yourself, a lunch or snack, and clothing that you can get some paint on!


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