Sittin’ Pretty by Syri Hall 44J

Syri Hall
Syri Hall
Syri Hall graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor’s degree of Fine Art in Painting and Drawing. She and her husband moved to Sedona, AZ (Mother Nature’s Crowning Achievement) shortly after their graduation whereupon Syri landed a job in a local bronze foundry thus giving her a new, different focus…bronze sculpture! Learning to sculpt added a whole new dimension to her art. Truly one of the most all-encompassing of all her artistic skills. With an eidetic photographic memory Syri easily moves from one artistic endeavor to another with ease including learning to play seven instruments before the end of eighth grade. Sculpting wildlife (especially baby animals) and people, painting, drawing, and plein-air painting in the Sedona area have been Hall’s interest for years. Western wildlife, especially those found in Arizona are a particular favorite of hers. Jaguars and Thick-Billed Parrots once thought to be extinct in Arizona are among her favorite subjects to portray. Syri has bronzes in several collections in Europe and the U.S. She has participated in three Sculpture Walks in Sedona; five consecutive WAOW National juried exhibitions featuring her wildlife bronzes which won her a first, second and third place; Syri was selected for the Woolaroc 2024 Invitational through WAOW; The Sedona 2016 Plein Air Festival through SAC; she exhibited a jaguar oil painting in a juried show at the Phoenix Zoo’s new gallery in September of this, 2023, for Arizona artists only, and was in a juried show with AWA in Loveland, Co. in 2024. Syri has been in galleries in Jackson Hole, WY; Wickenburg, Sedona, and Jerome, AZ; Colorado Springs, CO; and Washington, D.C. She is an Associate member with Distinction with WAOW, a Signature member with AWA, and an Associate member with NSS, and OPA. See more of her work at
13" x 10" x 10"




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A male Gambel Quail is sitting on a colorful pot looking quizzically at the incised quail encircling it.