On the Horizon by Lori Roll 44J

Lori Roll
Lori Roll
Lori Roll is an Oklahoma artist with a background in photography, journalism, jewelry and art. She currently works in cold wax and oil, encaustic wax, multimedia sketchbooks and collage. Her loose graphic style evokes her love of nature, interior and exterior landscapes creating memories experienced and imagined. She enjoys the freedom of abstract expression in her inventive works which employ architectural layers of light, shadow, color and personal language. Lori teaches and exhibits her work in Oklahoma, Maine, Arizona and Texas. Lori's work is also on www.loriroll.com and Instagram @mybigbluesky.
Cold Wax and Oil
12" x 12"




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“On the Horizon” paints the afternoon sky and landscape of the American Southwest desert. Clouds reflect the intense light and colors found in the multi-hued tableau of rocks, grasses, trees and water.