New Beginnings by Nancy Tan 44J

Nancy Tan
Nancy Tan
What brings me the most joy in creating art is the spontaneous application of color, shapes, and marks that eventually coalesce into an image that I love. Instead of painting from a reference photo, my images come from within me, and my best works are those that just flow, as though they are painting themselves. I usually do not have a specific plan when I begin painting, and I pay close attention to where the painting wants to lead me. Some artists refer to this as “intuitive” painting. To the extent that we understand intuition as an instinctive process of arriving at an understanding without conscious reasoning, such as in the act of tying our shoes and not something mysterious, that would be descriptive of how I create art. I feel blessed that my paintings have won awards in exhibitions, and that many have sold. It is always exciting and gratifying to know that others enjoy my work.
18" x 18"




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Installed in black floater frame.