European Harbor by Sandra Applegate 44J

Sandy Applegate
Sandy Applegate
Sandy moved to Prescott, Arizona in June, 2019, having lived in Pagosa Springs, Colorado since 1995. She was born in Wisconsin, raised in Illinois, and attended art school in Chicago. She is currently devoting her time to creating and marketing her artwork. Sandy studied art in college, spent many years in a variety of careers and past-times, but always created and experimented with art media. With the addition of several workshops with notables such as Pierre Mion, Gary Greene, Vera Curnow, Stephen Quiller, and Sandra Duran Wilson, she is free to use her “Artistic License” to create whatever reality she dreams of. She describes her artwork as “Reality With a Twist”. Sandy’s artwork deals with shape, color and ideas, definitely with her own version of reality. She works primarily in acrylic or watercolor with pen with ink. Another medium is oil-based ink in which she creates Monoprints on paper or canvas, a method learned from Shy Rabbit’s Michael Coffee – his reductive-ink process. She often incorporates mixed media to create unusual effects. She likes to have several series of different subject matter in the works at one time. This helps to keep her images and ideas fresh and lively. Her colors are bold, exciting and vibrant. Her images are partly literal, but she incorporates “other-worldly” or abstract elements also. Many pieces contain suggestions of the macrocosmic or microcosmic in them, often using circles or line repetition to indicate the on-going cyclic and repetitive nature of life. She keeps a sense of humor about her, and loves to leave room in her work for the mysterious, the personal interpretation. Another of her series is from her European travels over the years. The images are mostly up-close scenes or people that inspire her.
13" x 16"




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Boats in a European Harbor.