Cathedral Rock Reflection by LeAnne Sowa 44J

LeAnne Sowa
LeAnne Sowa
LeAnne Sowa - Watercolorist / Fine Artist LeAnne (Mawby) Sowa is a watercolor artist living in Cornville, Arizona. She was born and raised in western Michigan and is primarily self-taught but has taken various workshops along her artistic journey. Her studies in Michigan included classes with Nancy Fox at Montcalm Community College, classes at the Franciscan Center with artists June Berte, Cheri Den Boer and Linda Baker. She also enrolled in watercolor classes at Hertfordshire College in Ware, England in 1997 while she lived there. LeAnne has been exhibiting her work in Michigan since 1988, participating in a multitude of shows. These include shows at St. Cecilia's Terry Berry Gallery in Grand Rapids, Greenville Community Center, Eclectic Gallery in Ionia, Bella Vista Church in Rockford, D2 D2 Rivertown Artists Gallery, the Steketies Rivertown Gallery in Grand Rapids, Rogue River Artists Group Shows, Brighton Library Art Exhibit in Brighton and outdoor shows in Saugatuck, Holland, Grand Rapids, Ionia, Novi, Pentwater, and Rockford. 2013 marked her fifth year in Artprize Grand Rapids. LeAnne has received the honor of the Cora Bliss Taylor Award in July 2011 and then the Judy and Tom Anthrop Award July 2013 at the Saugatuck Waterfront Invitational. Her art was in "Our Gallery" inside Marilyn's Style in Pentwater, Michigan, the Saugatuck Artists Collective in Saugatuck, Stone Hedge Gallery in Elk Rapids, and Northbound in Charlevoix. Her work can be found on-line at her website: She also has her work on Etsy at and LeAnne is married, with two daughters, four grandsons, one dog named Sophie. She lives just outside of Cornville, Arizona where she works from her home studio.
Watercolor and Ink
9" x 12"




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Cathedral Rock Reflection is just that a reflection in pooled water. It is done with watercolor and ink, mounted on a birch board. It has been coated with 3 layers of archival varnish for protection.