Who’ll Pick the Morning Rose? by Mary Heyborne

Mary Heyborne
Mary Heyborne
Mary Heyborne, award-winning potter, poet and playwright, says: “Wherever I live I tune in to my surroundings and seek the influence of its uniqueness in my art. This has been particularly rewarding in the splendor of Sedona.”




Mary Heyborne’s first of four books of poetry, “Who’ll Pick the Morning Rose?” covers a wide range of topics but has a generous selection of love poems and poetry relating to art and family. There is, also, a small section called “Post Diagnosis” that deals with her responses to being diagnosed and treated for breast cancer.

Mary’s poetry is influenced by her roles as wife, mother and potter, but she writes for everyman in her celebration of the commonplace and her search for universal truths. “Who’ll Pick the Morning Rose?” is her affirmation that life and love are expanded when shared.

79 Pages
Poetry Written by
Mary Heyborne

Other works by Mary Heyborne

Ephemerons by Mary Heyborne

Words and Other Lovers by Mary Heyborne

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