Morning at Cathedral Rock by Hadley Rampton

Hadley Rampton
Hadley Rampton
Hadley Rampton’s paintings are an amalgamation of her love of composition, color, mark making and being present in the outdoors. “I’m energized by the challenges and beauty of nature, by the dynamics of light, atmosphere and temperature in the Rocky Mountains and in the deserts of the southwest” says Rampton. Her work rests somewhere between abstraction and realism. “It’s clear to see in [Rampton’s] work that her sense of being outside mixes with her thoughts and blends with her knowledge of formal color theory, paint application, as well as a feel for the abstract composition.” (Michele Corriel, Western Art & Architecture, 2015). In plein air painting, there is an immediacy that takes hold and guides the process. Rampton grasps hold of this energy but, especially in her larger pieces, combines it with a more contemplative studio approach, as she will work on the same piece over several days.
16" x 20"

