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Member – Board of Directors

Mr. Southwell founded and retired from the management consulting firm, Perspectives, Inc.  The company supports science and technology organizations and projects, primary for the Federal government.  He designed and managed several hundred projects for manufacturers, utilities, government research labs and agencies, banks, and service companies since starting his firm in 1983.  These include challenging work for the US Department of Energy, Citibank, Mbank, the Electric Power Research Institute, Sandia National Laboratories, DuPont, Hitachi North America, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Public Service Company of New Mexico, Cinergy, The National Biodefense and Countermeasures Center, and many start-up firms in varied markets.  Mr. Southwell also designed several successful syndicated studies for law firms, accounting firms and banks.

As President of Perspectives, Ed managed higher level staffing needs and was responsible for work direction and core competencies, overall scope of business and quality of performance.  He sold his firm to two senior staff over 10 years ago.  The firm continues to thrive.

He has served his local community as board member of several civic, nonprofit organizations; most recently with the Arizona Community Foundation of Sedona.  Ed is married to Catherine Moore, a retired interior and home designer, who is also active in several local nonprofit organizations.  They have lived in Sedona since 1992.